Monday, March 4, 2013

Blog Migration

Dear Reader,

If you are reading this you might be aware of the sudden lack of updates, well I'm migrating this blog to somewhere else: Wordpress. I have my reasons for migrating there. :)

True that I may no longer update here, but fret not as the topics that can be found here will also be re-posted there for your pleasure.

Follow me at Nibblets!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Hooking up your wig the proper way

Title says it all! As a cosplayer, the wig is one of the essential elements to a costume. Wigs are expensive and we find it a "duty" to make our wigs last as long as we can. That is why we highly take care of them. 

One of the ways to take care of your wig is on how you put it on. I have been cosplaying for five years now and I came across this picture making me realize that I have been hooking up my wig the wrong way.

Photo courtesy of Himawari Kospurei Shoppe

This is the post that came along the picture:
This is used to secure the wig on your head and it can also be used to adjust the size of the wig (usually it comes in 3 pairs in which you can hook the said lock/strap). If you lock together the two hooks, chances are with continued use, you might break the said hooks. Replacing the hooks is easy since it is common... But it is quite a hassle looking for it (if you don't have a bra strap to spare or if you don't know where to get one)... So save yourself the trouble and use the lock/strap properly. :)

Hopefully this has helped you as it had helped me! :)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas in Iloilo (Part I)

Christmas is here and decor and Yulatide gigs are out! I'll be posting some sights around Iloilo City which somewhat brings out the Christmas Spirit in Ilonggos. First in the line-up is that jolly old man named Santa Claus!

Contact Lenses Review: Ice Dolly Nudy Grey

 Hey! It's been a while since I came up with any blogposts and so here I am with you guys with another contact lens review! This time my contact lenses are Ice Dolly Nudy Grey.

Usually I fear wearing dark colored contact lenses as they blend so well with my dark brown eyes however, Ice Dolly Nudy Grey is the exact opposite as it is actually very light colored. Just from the bottle alone you can see that it is light colored and with that it will pop out on dark eyes.
Ice Dolly Nudy Grey Contact Lens
The one thing that I don't really like about these lenses as they are very soft just like Sparkle and Berry. When wet they don't exactly form the C form well which gave me some time of putting them on. Plus they fold easily which is a bit frustrating as one move in trying to peel them apart may result into torn lenses. 

Torn lenses = useless.

But despite the difficulty on that, they are very comfortable to wear on! Plus as stated they pop out on dark colored eyes.

However they're a bit pricey comparing to Berry, Sparkle and Tiffany as it can come in the Php 400
 to Php 500. But it's a priced a bit less than GEO and EOS.
Me using the lenses at my Misya Arsellec Lune SINOBI trial

Hopefully this was helpful to you guys :)

<3 Phira

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Contact Lenses Review: Crystal Lenses Violet 14.8 mm

Hey! How's everybody been doing? Hope you guys had a great weekend, I sure did since I enjoyed Cosplay Mania 2012 last weekend! :3 My experience will come at another blogpost since this one will be dedicated to one of my hauls (for myself) during the entire convention: 14.8 mm Violet Crystal Lenses!

14.8 mm Crystal Lenses
I bought these babies because I wanted to buy new lenses onsite for my Chitanda cosplay (Day 2 of Cosmania) however, I couldn't find the time to put them on :< Also I originally wanted to buy two lenses (EOS ones violet and red) but it was waaay out of budget so I settled for these (sadly they ran out of red for Crystal Lenses -sigh- oh well). I bought these babies from GWYshop (as I was claiming my Chitanda Sherlock hat from Ate Jayne of Hatah Hatah, they shared a booth by the way) and I absolutely LOVE them. Oh and if you're curious I got them for 300php complete with case and solution, great deal huh?

Closer look of Crystal Lenses
Why do I love them? One, they're more manageable and more vivid than my Berry Lenses. How vivid? Well, when wearing my Berry Lenses I had to make use of flash and lighting to make them visible in pictures (because my eyes are really dark brown so it's hard to make the colors pop with my eyes) but with Crystal Lenses I don't need to abuse flash that much and I can make use of simple lighting to make the color pop out. This is important for those with dark eyes and are desperate for a change in collor. Aside from that I could tell the inside from the outside as the inside seems to have an odd coloration from the fusion of colors near the rim (at the junction of the violet and the black) which is a plus since I sometimes cannot distinguish concaved lenses from convexed lenses.

What I don't like about them. The downside is that the lenses are a bit small (mind you it's 14.8 mm NOT 15mm) so it took me some time of getting used to, even irritating my eyes during first use (so I had to take them out again) but soon after my eyes just got used to it. I also had a bit of discomfort feeling the edges touching my lids but it was only during the first application. I also observed that it moved a lot than my Berry Lenses, making me a bit frightened that I might get another contact-sticking-to-eyelid experience again. So if you can't afford GEO or EOS lenses (which are still number one when it comes to lenses) try Crystal Lenses.

Simple make up and falsies for added omph but nonetheless the lenses were more dominant. Eru Chitanda trial
The review isn't much but hopefully its helpful :)