Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Cosplay: No Limit to Creativity

It's not that I'm offended or anything but everytime I stop and think about it, I'm a bit bothered.  If I'm going to offend anybody please take to mind that these are my own thoughts and I'm just trying to express myself. I do not mean to be rude to anyone in this post.

A random picture of me failing as England from Hetalia Axis Powers (Steampunk variation) Picture by Gee Jay Loreno and taken from Ai Expo 2012

1. Cosplay Reservations 

I really don't see the point in this. 

Don't we all believe that cosplay is for everyone no matter what the body size, just as long as you can really give justice to the character itself? And as the highly competitive creatures we are, a little bit of competition doesn't hurt since I really think it lets us go wild with our imagination on how to  tackle the costumes ourselves. Competition also somewhat helps us discover what are the "cheats" or easier ways on how to pull things off to how to be resourceful without spending a lot.

In all honesty, this "character reservation" kinda places wall to creativity. And besides, it's not really fun when you're the only one standing there and everybody mistakes you for a different character or a fashion. Also, this is one way of finding out who are in the fandom. A primary example is Hetalia Axis Powers, although in the US, Australia and Japan, it's an overused cosplay, here in the Philippines you hardly chance on any cosplayers. Sometimes, it even takes luck on finding one!

My Happy Fruit Fwendz: Banana, Strawberry, Blueberry, Cherry and Mango

2. Lolita as Cosplay

Define Lolita. Define Cosplay.

Lolita: Fashion.
Cosplay: Costume Play.

Is it even possible to cosplay a fashion statement? That boggles me just a bit. 

Are we lolita enough for you? :P

3. Cosplayer = Art Student (or anything close to that)
Ok, I get these A LOT when people start asking me what's my course. They say, "Shouldn't you be in -insert artistic course here- ?" 

First, I know a few medical course related cosplayers and they are really excellent cosplayers. I do not see the connection between your course and an artist hobby/outlet. 

Second, cosplay does not choose its course or year or age. As I said cosplay is for everyone.

Unfortunately, this Acolyte's Heals aren't enough for the might of this ghoul (Jherben Lagon, 4th President of Anigumi Joukai as Ragnarok Acolyte)
4. Cosplayer = Model
Woah. PAUSE.

This I really, REALLY don't like. I have friends who are plus sized and do not have a Tyra Banks-like build and height but they are excellent cosplayers. Cosplay doesn't have a body preference and what's important to us cosplayers is that we truly give justice to the character we are portraying.

Plus, photogs this is a hobby and we are not your models so please don't get mad if we do poses that express our character's personality but not to your liking. But we do want to hear from you if the pose doesn't look good from behind the lens.

Even Lelouch needs to fix himself to keep his good looks (Marc Louise of Anigumi Joukai as Lelouch Vi Brittania) 


Ok this is all I could think of right now XD If I offended anyone then I apologize

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